Born in Dallas, Texas and raised on rock and roll since my mid-teens, art and music have always been a part of my life from as far back as I can remember. I have been drawing and chasing the creative "spark" inside myself since I was a young boy. In the beginning I was copying images from album covers or anything I could find that interested me visually. Now I can listen to a great song or lyric and do my best to execute it artistically. Sometimes it comes out well and other times I paint it black and start over. My art has always been and continues to be vital to my mental survival.

I try to keep the images and ideas simple, something that a young child to an adult can appreciate.

Instructors start off by teaching you all the guidelines or "rules" as l like to call them for how the masters like Picasso or Matisse would organize images in a painting. These methods of teaching are great for some, I just found them frustrating and constraining! Paint however you want and make your own rules! i paint for the fun of it and because its my passion. Call me an amateur, but this is how I feel and it is part of the reason I paint the way I do today. I paint what I think will look visually interesting to me and hope it looks good to those who view my work.